Sunday, January 11, 2009

Green Drinks Boston!

Gabe and I attended and spoke at the Green Drinks Boston event this last Tuesday, the 6th. Green Drinks takes place the first Tuesday of every month and the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Their current location is the upstairs room at Lir (903 Bolyston st, Boston). The event is a great schmooze for anyone interested in sustainability, environmentalism, or green issues all-around.

We spoke primarily about our business model, and about our operations, since the crowd was pretty seasoned/versed in Green issues. We met a bunch of interesting, passionate people and made some great connections. I highly recommend the event, if only to make a few new friends and down a couple beers.

1 comment:

  1. Totally bummed I missed this event. Would have liked to have been there to support GCG and gauge people's reactions to the event.
